Thursday, August 8, 2013

Jonah Knight on Why You Should Fear the Boot

Jonah Knight's back for another update on some of the best audio-based geekdom from around the web. This week, he's here to bring you up to date on what should be the very next thing you add to your podcast aggregation app of choice, Fear the Boot (here's a helpful link to their RSS)

(logo from PulpGamer's feed of FTB)

Here's Jonah's glowing recommendation:
Fear The Boot is a table-top RPG podcast and with all due respect to whatever that one is you listen to, this one is better. The show is seven years old. In internet years, that means it’s your granddaddy’s podcast.
It has all the stuff you want in an RPG podcast: 
  a cast of quirky characters,
  years of experience and insight,
  industry guests,
  high quality sound,
 and a regular release schedule.
Oh, and something else. They have their own convention. Fear The Con is a hardcore gaming weekend out in Saint Louis.
Tape measures are out. Shit just got real.
(Image possibly from Fear the Con 1 is © Aronguy)

Listen to a couple episodes and if you dig the show, go back and listen, well, not from the beginning, but from years ago. The advice is timeless and classic.

Given that two of the first games listed on their con website is "Kobolds Drank My Whiskey" and "Fiasconia! (Fiasco + Paranoia = ?!)," it seems pretty obvious that the trek to St. Louis may be well worth it next May if they're offering similar games. At bare minimum, the 2013 listings can be used to get a few game ideas worth stealing.

Jonah Knight is a local paranormal folk musician, who you may know from his Music Corner contributions to DC Geeks. You can find out more about his music and podcast with Mikey Mason (of "She Don't Like Firefly" internet fame) on Jonah's website:

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