Monday, April 2, 2012

This Week in Geek - 2012/04/02

A showcase of this week's finest geek and geek related activities for the week. Mark your calendars. 

Don't ask, just go and see. Trust me.
Image by aphrodite-in-nyc
Longer Term
  • Show - Arias with a Twist - Washington, DC - April 4 through May 6
    • I blame The Elephant Room for starting this craving in me. Now Arias with a Twist is coming to town and I'm pondering selling DNA samples for tickets. Burlesque and drag, puppets and magic, a musical magic show wandering through space and time... yes please.
  • Show - Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus - Fairfax, VA - April 4 through April 15
    • You know, we covered this a couple of weeks ago when the big tents were in the District. They went away though, and now a different group is coming back (apparently RB&B&B runs two tour groups with two different shows - we had blue, now we're getting red). Its a good venue, an easy drive, and a chance to see just what happens when you pre-game with Red Bull, stuff yourself with cotton candy, and then stare really hard at clowns who stare back.
  • Con - PAX East - Boston, MA - April 6 through April 8
    • This got covered in last week's Quarterly Con Report, but in case you forgot, yeah, its the first full weekend of April, its PAX East. Load up your wagons, pack the hardtack, sell your families and head north to the promised land (or at least the short lived dream of the promised land). You want my advice? Leave at 10:00 PM on Thursday to avoid homicidal rages on the road.
  • Educational - TEDx Change: The Big Picture - Washington, DC - 8:30 AM
    • If you don't know TED or what the TED Talks are then just stop, right now, and click on the links. Go. Do it. I'll still be here when you're back in a few days. Back? Good. This TEDx happens to be a joint collaboration with TED and the BMGF focusing on just why we should care about global issues. There are times when I wish I had the power, or at least a decent stick, to enforce compulsory education on adults in this city... But this isn't a bad place to start if you can seduce them through the doors.
Yeah, we hear that a lot.
Image by shardsofblue
  • Music - Video Games Live - Rockville, MD - 2:00 PM
    • And technically it is a concert of video game music. That rather sells the experience short, though. Massive visual displays, light shows, live orchestras and choirs, carefully arranged venues, the Video Games Live tours strike the modern gamer somewhere between great concert, howling fun event, and spiritual experience.
  • BOOM! - Southwest Waterfront Fireworks Festival - Washington, DC - 1:00 PM
    • You knew we weren't going to get away without at least one Cherry Blossom event. This week its the Fireworks Festival. Its a lot more than boom, though. The live music is nice, but for those anime and Japanese culture fans there's going to be even more fun. Like the beer garden run by Kirin Brewery, The Very Cherry Marketplace, dragon boats, and more. Show up around 8:30 PM and you'll be just in time for the explosions to start.

Did I miss something? If you have an event you’d like to promote that isn’t on this list, leave a comment or email us.

Other weekly reoccurring events are listed on our website (such as Rocky, CCG tournaments, crazy themed happy hours). For more information, check out the calendars at DC Geeks. 

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