Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Katsucon 18: A Video Retrospective

This year we got the pleasure to talk to and help out Eric Hunsaker, of Black Lab Film + TV, with a retrospective on Katsucon 18.  We'll start off with the video itself.  Take a quick look, I'll wait.

Katsucon 18 from eric hunsaker on Vimeo.

Ok, as far as the help we gave, I wish we could say that we helped him carry his camera equipment and chase down costumed folk.  Really, all credit for the awesome of this should go to Eric himself.  We just helped get him some access and threw around a little weight.

This is one of my favorite retrospectives of a convention.  It does a pretty amazing job of getting the breadth of costumes that came out (not all of them, but a good variety) and the sense of wonder that comes with going to a con.  How often have you been to a convention and just looked around?  It's a full-on Alice in Wonderland experience, even for the seasoned veterans.

Makes me wish I was at one right now.  Only just under 10 months til the next Katsucon. :) Hopefully see you there.

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