Monday, April 9, 2012

This Week in Geek - 2012/04/09

A showcase of this week's finest geek and geek related activities for the week. Mark your calendars. 

Hold it! This guy's cosplay is awesome.
Image by ElCapitanBSC
Longer Term
  • Movies - Filmfest DC - Washington, DC - April 12 through April 22
    • Yeah, we can fit "film geek" into our broad umbrella of fandoms. Most areas of geek interest involve film or longer form visual creations anyway. The sheer variety of offerings at the Filmfest this year are enough to get me all warm and tingly. But for the video game geek audience out there I have two words for you: Ace Attorney.
  • Documentary - ComicCon IV: A Fan's Hope - Opens April 13
    • We're geeks. And with a very few exceptions, we love to analyze, dissect, and pick apart our obsessions. That's not really this film. This is for those who love ComicCon, those who've never had the chance to go, and those who hope to find their life's dream in those halls. There also seem to be several meetup groups headed that way on Friday, so grab tickets while you still can.
  • Beer! - Galaxy Hut - Arlington, VA - 5:00PM
    • The only note on their schedule is "tuesday april 10: tapping virginia’s only keg of anchor old foghorn barleywine 5pm." Now, I like barleywine (hell, I've brewed barleywine), and I have to say the Old Foghorn sounds great. Keep in mind that barleywine is for serious beer drinkers, so fans of "canoe beer" may want to stay away. I can't substantiate the claim that Galaxy Hut has the only keg in the state, but are you really willing to risk skipping it?
  • Party in Space! -  Yuri's Night - All around the area
    • April 12 has always been a good day for manned space flight (Yuri's first boost into orbit and the first launch of the space shuttle come to mind), and its a great day for supporters of man's place in space to get together.  There will be Yuri's Night parties all around the area with talks, presentations, drinks and more. Check out the party list for details on all the local events.
  • Superstition - If you believe in that sort of thing - Right behind you! - All day
    • The wikipedia entry for this is filled with awesomely huge words for this fear (friggatriskaidekaphobia and paraskevidekatriaphobia - neither of which are Scrabble-legal). What it should boil down to is a great excuse to hang out with friends and watch cheesy horror movies.
  • Freestyle Sideshow - Black Ties, Red Noses - Washington, DC - 8:00 PM
    • Yeah, yeah, its a fundraiser. Just make peace with that and realize that its a fundraiser in a historic house stuffed to bursting with dancing, burlesque, sideshow acts, clowns, fire eating, and a speakeasy downstairs. Grab your tickets quick. 

Its party time!
Image by Mick62
  • Cultural - Sakura Matsuri Japanese Street Festival - Washington, DC - 11:00 AM
    • This is the big one for the Festival. With the exception of the blossoms themselves, this is the event that most of us really try to get out to during the Cherry Blossom Festival. Fans of Far Eastern (especially Japanese) culture, fans of martial arts, and rapid fans of taiko performers (guilty) should be willing to sell an aunt (or at least rent a sister) to make it out for this one.
  • More Culture - National Cherry Blossom Festival Parade - Washington, DC - 10:00 to 12:30
    • Ok, so there are several reasons you really try to get out to the festival. Even if you're not interested in the festival, everyone likes parades, right? If you want to have the best seats in the house, it'll cost you $20, but standing along the parade route is free as always. If you're on the fence, check out Flickr and YouTube for a taste of last year's parade.
  • Deadline - Cherry Blossom Photography Contest Ends - FotoDC - 11:59PM
    • Hey guys, Aine stepping in for a second here. (Editor'd!) Now, I'm wary of posting this, but I opted not to let my own views on photo contests get in the way of something you all may find interesting. With the centennial, I'm sure many of you have filled your SD cards with gorgeous petals, stunning sunsets, the monuments through the trees, maybe some laughing babies. If you don't have a moral objection to paying to enter a photography contest, FotoDC wants pictures of the blossoms. However, the contest is coming to a close, so enter soon.

Did we miss something? If you have an event you’d like to promote that isn’t on this list, leave a comment or email us. Other weekly reoccurring events are listed on our website (such as Rocky, CCG tournaments, crazy themed happy hours). For more information, check out the calendars at DC Geeks. 

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