Tuesday, March 27, 2012

2nd Quarter 2012 Con Forecast

Something we've meant to do for a while now here at DC Geeks is a preview of conventions coming up in the quarter ahead. Let's be honest: a lot of geek interest activities we can make spur of the moment decisions on, hop in the car, and just go. If you have any kind of need for a budget though, cons aren't one of those events. They take planning, prior arrangements, and funds. So best if we can give you a head's up in time enough to plan and who knows? Maybe even introduce you to some new events that are a stone's throw away. Hang on folks, this is a long one.

As usual, the further away the con is the bigger it is for us to list it  on DCG. Although there is a bit of personal, geographic bias here - if I can drive to your con in the same amount of time or less than it would take me to drive to the tip of Virginia to pick up my favorite drink, then you're in "easy range" to my mind.

And that's just the tabletop gaming area. You know. The small part of the con.
Image by Jameskm03

  • PAX East - April 6 though 8 - Boston, MA
    • The 800 pound gorilla of the month, PAX East is about ready to kick off. Music, panels, games of all types, a massive celebrity and industry presence - its you and thousands of your new best friends all ready to drink deep of our favorite pass times.
  • MTAC Omega - April 6 through 8 - Nashville, TN
    • An option if anime is more your focus, then head west young otaku to Nashville! (Yeah, yeah, I know, I feel weird saying that, too.) A three day con focused on anime and its attendant fandoms with a special focus this year on end of the world and post-apocalyptic themes in the genre. Give the con's growth trend it wouldn't surprise me if more than 6000 people show up, so you won't be alone in your needs.
  • Anime Boston - April 6 through 8 - Boston, MA
    • I don't know if its genius to have large anime con (comparable to AnimeUSA if the reports are right) going on at the same time and nearly the same place as Pax East (to get all the alt-fandom SO's from those going to Pax) or if its just unfortunate timing. Or you could risk life and sanity and go for the Hardcore Boston achievement by trying to do them both.
  • RavenCon - April 13 through 15 - Richmond, VA
    • A modest sized con in Richmond that, much to my shame as a native from the area, I'd never heard of. On the other hand, it looks like the staff is really doing things right. A packed guest list, panels and live entertainment (Bella Mort? Really? Tempting...). Not to mention the promise of their gaming area running without close or pause from con open to con end. 
  • Robotfest - April 14 - Linthicum, MD
    • Its like show and tell for builders, makers, tinkers, hackers and other folks drawn to back together tech to make themselves giggle. Add in to this the close location, the bucketful of workshops and the large list of professionals, hobbyists, and clubs that will be exhibiting their creations and you've got an amazing day out with the smell of ozone.
  • Boston Comic Con - April 21 through 22 - Boston, MA
    • Maybe its because the snow is finally melting and the folks in Boston can finally leave their homes that is the reason they've got so much going on in April. They've got a long list of comic artists that'll be showing up, they're throwing their first film festival, CCG tournaments, and the guests of honor are all from Mad Magazine this year. What's not to like?
  • T-Mode - April 20 through 22 - Rockville, MD
    • Like so many geek cons, T-Mode started as one thing (a console tournament con) and has morphed and grown through the years to embrace more and more fandoms. One aspect that sets them apart for a lot of April's offerings is that they intentionally are trying to keep the con small and friendly feeling, with an intimate atmosphere. Gaming of all sorts, cosplay events, panels, live music (Otaku karaoke I need to be there for - tipsy, but there) and a lot more, the staff look to have packed a lot into three days.
  • Game Days 2012 - April 26 through 29 - Timonium, MD
    • Now here's a change of pace that very well could have my boardgame obsessed friends running for the site: four days of open gaming, a game library, game demos, and some sort of unholy AI driven used game swap meet (I, for one, welcome our new overlords...). No distractions, no different tracks, just games, games, and more games.
  • Malice Domestic - April 27 through 29 - Bethesda, MD
    • Another change of pace for one of our less visible fandoms, Malice Domestic is seriously vying for my con dollars in April. Its a literary con devoted to the art of the mystery. Now in its 24th year the convention brings together dozens of authors and hundreds of fans with events, panels, readings, discussions and more about the beloved mystery novel.


  • Zenkaikon - May 11 through 12 - Oaks, PA (basically Philly)
    • An anime / manga / Japanese culture convention held at the Philadelphia Expo Center, the event has grown to more than 3000 people in just the last few years. Beyond the usual panels, games and music that one would expect at a quality anime con, Zenkaikon seems to have an especially heavy emphasis on cosplay and cosplay events. Including a cosplay version of The Dating Game. I... I really hope someone records that event.
  • Nebula Awards Weekend - May 17 through 20 - Arlington, VA
    • It amazes me that more of a to-do isn't made over this event. Its right here in DC, its the top names and best stories of the year being honored. Then again, perhaps I shouldn't be surprised. The workshops and panels are aimed pretty solidly at authors themselves, but its not closed to the general public (at least those who will buy an event membership).
  • Animazement - May 25 through 27 - Raleigh, NC
    • You know, I think of North Carolina, I think of crabbing on the beach with my grandad or the long hike on the AT in the mountains. I don't think about anime. And yet here's Animazement, an anime con in central NC on track to top more than 8000 attendees this year. Panels, a solid GoH listing, live music, contests, and anime, anime, anime all look like a recipe for a good time.
  • Balticon - May 25 though 28 - Hunt Valley, MD
    • A wide ranging Scifi and Fantasy con with dedicated topic tracks that just made me stop and stare for a bit. Gaming? Sure. Literary tracks? Check. New media's role in the science fiction publishing space? Okay. Its close, its extensive (the folks are advertising more than 300 hours of programming at the moment), and after 46 years the people have their game down.
Its cute, but the vendor area really is large enough to call for street signs.
Image by Will Merydith

  • Origins Game Fair - May 31 through June 3 - Columbus, OH
    • Columbus? Yeah. Columbus. Check my distance rule above (I can make Columbus in six hours; I have to drive 7-8 to get to the corner of Virginia where my favorite drink comes from).  This is the big one for May if you're primarily a gamer geek, like me. Last year they ran more than 4000 games during the con. Its huge, a large part of it is an industry epeen measuring contest, and it can be an amazing amount of fun. Just a few notes: be sure to pre-reg so you can find out exactly what's going on, and be aware that certain rooms and events (such as the boardgame room and the Mayflower Games room) require additional entry fees.
  • Philadelphia Comic Con - May 31 through June 3 - Philadelphia, PA
    • Ash, Thor, Captain Kirk, and Stan Lee (plus a huge list of other top shelf sci-fi associated actors and writers) will be there. If I could somehow get the four of them into a single photo I would gladly sell my aunt and potentially win. Just, in general, win. 


  • AnimeNext - June 8 through 10 - Somerset, NJ
    • The name may have tipped you off, but this is an anime and manga focused con, a heavy focus on voice talent for guests, a massive manga library and an attendee turn out that's pushing 10,000. Expect AMV contests, lots of cosplay, live music, and a heavy smattering of games as well (the LARP description looks like there could be a lot of fun in the works). 
  • TooManyGames - June 15 through 17 - Oaks, PA
    • This one, well, games. I know, you knew that already. But its that simple. Video games, boardgames, card games, panels about games, music acts and DJs that focus on games (it was originally the East Coast Gaming Expo), these people aren't too far north and have 80,000 square feet of games for you to consume your soul.
  • Anime Mid-Atlantic - June 15 through 17 - Chesapeake, VA
    • A good sized con (it should brush against 5000 attendees this year), and not too far away, this is the twelfth year for this anime focused con. Lots of panels and workshops relevant to the fandom, live music (from adventure rock to JPop), and a slew of cosplay focused time, its one of the closer cons in June, just the little taste to feed your monkey till the Fall. 
You know. Maker Fair. Where they make things...
Image by Bob n Renee

  • Maker Fair North Carolina - June 16 - Raleigh, NC
    • At the state fairgrounds and just one day, but what a day. Its for people who make things, from Aunt Mae with her cookies to Junior and his Bowel Disruptor Cannon. They make it, hack it, craft it, and you don't want the day to end. Music, fun, but most importantly - show and tell.
  • Heroescon - June 22 through 24 - Charlotte, NC
    • This is one of the biggest independent comics cons in the country and one of the oldest (if my math is right this is the 30th year). They've got a guest list longer than my leg, a huge amounts of panels and workshops, but that's not the real draw for me. No. The real attraction is Indie Island. Its a huge space in the middle of the Artists' Alley that looks more like a freewheeling market, with exotic figures hawking their exotic art and forbidden words to any who pass nearby. I'm a fan.

And that's in for the next quarter. Is there a con coming up in April, May, or June that should have been on here? Comment or email me and I'll take a look. Until then, may your roadtrips be smooth, your budgets hold out, and the fun hit you like that outlet your mom told you not to stick a penny in when you were a kid.

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