Monday, November 28, 2011

UMD Students Break Man-Powered Flight Record

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I... don't know why they did this (well other than "there's a mountain over there, so I'm gonna climb it"), but it's very awesome.  I kinda wish they got it to the point where they could get a higher level of lift and sort of fly around with it.  Regardless, this device granted them the record longest flight of a human-powered helicopter.

It's always good to see a local group of geeks getting together to create something fantastic. Ok, so we have no proof they are geeks, but they at least deserve geek props for this. Congratulations to UMD's Clark School Engineering for their accomplishment.

What have you done recently? :)

Students from the University of Maryland's Clark School of Engineering are now in the record books for the longest flight of a human-powered helicopter.
The human-powered chopper was airborne for about 12 seconds and took about 50 people to actually build the giant contraption.
The actual flight was back in July, but it took time for authorities from the National Aeronautical Association to confirm it was indeed a world record. 

via NBC Washington

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