Sunday, August 14, 2011

NBC Categorizes Any Group of Youngins as a 'Flash Mob'

Flash Monkey via Greenpeace Finland

So, I was reading an article put up by NBC Washington with a video clip talking about how a flash mob of young people walked into the store, stole a bunch of things then walked out.


Ok, a flash mob.  When most people who've heard of this internet thing, you know, that series of tubes you're using right now, when we talk about flash mobs we mean something very differently than they apparently do.  For me, when I think flash mob I think a large group of seemingly unconnected people who do one, usually very bizarre act, then disperse.  If that act is a crime, say, shop lifting, it's just a robbery.  A very casual one.  They probably should have been wearing shades.

The feeling the video gives me is that NBC thinks flash mob means "a group of young people".  You know, like a gaggle, if young people were geese.  Or a murder if they were crows... Ok, let's not let them know about that one, they might start using it also.

When did the term flash mob get so perverted in the public eye?  Yes, this is a deplorable thing that happened, but calling it a flash mob?  Will major news venues ever really ever understand internet culture?  Why aren't they just hiring younger more internet savvy people so they can ping them with questions every so often.  Maybe then they won't end up coming off quite as clueless as they do with this one.  Also, last I heard, flash mobs were more or less dead.  Which is sad to me, but still.  If they start using 90's slang next I'm digging out / buying parachute pants.

Well, thanks for the sad tear-laden laugh.

via NBC Washington

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