Saturday, July 2, 2011

Jugger or Geeks are Crazy

Monkeyhead and Strife saluting at the start of a match

Ok, whoever thought it was a good idea to imitate the death sport from the 80's movie, The Blood of Heroes, was out of their mind.  And a genius.  Wrapped up into one crazy sports mad scientist.  We'll call him Phil.  So I'm pretty sure this is Phil's fault.  High five Phil.

Jugger is a sport I would call a combination of ... rugby and boffer LARPs.  You try to beat each other with padded weapons while scoring points by putting a ball onto a sawed off safety cone.

Rules basically are if you're hit with the business end of a weapon on a limb, you pretend like that limb is dead, if you're hit in the main body mass/head or lose two limbs, you're incapacitated for the count of 4 stones.  Oh, that's right, there someone on the side line throwing stones from a barrel at a street sign to keep count for this.  Each round (of which there are 3) consists of 100 stones.  What crazy magic is this?!?

Pause in the action with the stones road sign.

Yes, that's a rope flail the goalie like players have. Look, if you want to see a full set of rules for this think, check this out.

Let me tell you this.  My friends.  My enemies.  That kid from across the street staring into my window (wait... is that my wallet you have there?).  JUGGER IS AWESOME.

If my head wasn't Edgar Allen Poe sized I would have run out there and played with them.  I'm sad that I couldn't.  Everyone left the field amazingly bruised, covered in sweat, and completely satisfied.  It seems to scratch that intense and deep itch that many of us have for the utterly ridiculous, running around like a 5 year old, and hitting your friends in such a way that they don't die from it.

An Enforcer performing an awesome block against a Chain.

So this is when I was visiting some friends out in St. Louis last week, where they had a league at some point. (Competitive Underground Jugger League or C.U.J.L., shout out to Party Hard Corps)  Why don't we have a league for this out here?  Are we just not nutty enough?  If someone ends up organizing that, let me know, I'll come out in a heartbeat and take some shots / cheer you on.  We need more extreme geek sports. Makes me wish we had a Quidditch league around here as well...

1 comment:

  1. I believe some of the local AmtGard groups have the occasional Jugging match; even if they don't, them (and groups like them) might be worth contacting, as they're the most likely to have people that participate in both.
