Friday, June 3, 2011

Obama Gifted a Video Game He May Never Play

Witcher 2 cover art poperty of CD Projekt RED

So here's the skim.  President Obama, while on tour of Europe, stopped in to Poland to exchange epic high fives with Prime Minister Donald Tusk.  After that and a discussion about how awesome it is to lead a country, they proceed immediately into the gift exchange portion of the evening.

Among the items in Prime Minister Tusk was a copy of The Witcher 2.  Now... I see what he's getting at.  "We make video games too!  Look!  Be proud!"  Just seems... a little weird to me.  My recommendation is for President Obama to give a copy of Grand Theft Auto 4 to the next world dignitary he meets.  Hmm or maybe better, a copy of Team America World Police.

I'm all for cultural exchange and it's fantastic that gaming is being seen as a proper form of art (well enough to be included in this).  Still seems a little weird though.

Via (Kotaku)


  1. I saw this on Daily What Geek. I totally love a nation with that much pride in their video games. It's like going to Japan and getting the complete Mario Set, from Donkey Kong all the way through the Wii Super Stars (though that would never happen).

    I finally put you guys up on my blogroll, sorry it took so long!

  2. cool! Thank you! I'm starting to wish that all governmental dealings started with a sorta related video game exchange. :)
